Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Trendy Tot Tuesday: Did you say hat?

I decided that I would joining and take part in the Trendy Tot Tuesday that some other fabulous bloggers host. Kelly from Modern Camelot, Lindsay from Table for Three and Megan from Baby Mama Drama. These little ones are so adorable and I love reading about their style and fashion each week.

This week I am going to take about my daughter Madeline and her serious obsession love for hats. Madeline is just turning 18 months and has been crazy for hats. This girls loves all accessories , hats, shoes, necklaces, you name it she loves it. Her second and third word was shoe and hat! ;-) She needs to go to bed with a hat on, when she wakes up in the morning I hear "Mama, Mama, Up, oh, hat, hat" and when I walk in to get her she is tapping the top of her head saying "Hat" It's so ab-so-lutely  freakin' adorable! I think her daddy is going to be in trouble when this one gets older...;)


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks and thanks for stopping by. I'm new to the blog world :)

  2. Too cute! I can't get my little one to keep a hat on!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! New blogger here and learning my way through posts ;) Madeline won't go anywhere without a hat on! She's currently napping with 2 hats :)

  3. I'm your first follower, from the link up! Thanks for joining, it's so fun! She is adorable. I can't get my daughter to keep hats on either! We'll have to work on that come winter. That second pic is a framer! :o)


    1. Thanks for following me!! Yay, I have a reader!

  4. Awww, so adorable! Following you!

  5. Oh, and PS...yes, I love Gymboree and I'm a GF! I'm over there way too much lol...I'm "RayaMarie" over there :-)
